ucoidan 4 in 1 Fucoidan compounds have the following functions:
(1) Stimulates the self-destruction of abnormal cells
(2) Strengthen the immune system
(3) Preventing the formation of new blood vessels, Fucoidan will weaken and shrink Cancer cells.
(4) Self-dissolution, for severe patients who have to resort to Surgery, Chemotherapy, and Radiation Therapy Fucoidan will help maximize resistance, help the body recover quickly!
—The Vitamin C component in Fucoidan helps to participate in the production of some neurotransmitters and hormones, the synthesis of carnitine, and the absorption and utilization of other nutritional elements. Vitamin C is also a very important antioxidant nutrient for the body to fight aging!
—Ingredient β Glucan ( Beta glucan )
β-glucan is known as a biological supplement because of its ability to stimulate the antibody system.
Beta-glucan is also believed to stimulate the natural immune system and promote respiratory health. Beta-glucan enhances the activity of macrophages and stimulates the secretion of many cytokines (cell activators) to destroy invading pathogens from the outside, helping to reduce the feed conversion ratio, stimulate Digestion, prevention of diseases Effects of Fucoidan Umino Takaramono:
Helps destroy cancer cells
Reducing side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer patients
Improve health, increase resistance
Increase the ability to regenerate damaged tissue, prevent aging. Instructions for use:
Children under 5 years old need to consult a doctor when using
Prevention: take 5 tablets/day divided into 2 meals after meals
Treatment support: take 10 tablets/day divided into 3 meals after meals
Not for use by pregnant or lactating women.
Fucoidan Umino Takaramono should be taken 30 minutes after eating or before going to bed for the best effect.
Note: The product is not a medicine and is not meant to replace medicine.
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